History Cafe

Category: Featured Sterling Events

Wednesday, September 06, 2023 10:30am - 12pm

history cafe

When Is "Old Sterling's" Anniversary?

History Cafe, originally scheduled for Aug. 30, has been postponed due to carpet installation in the High Plains Education Center! The new date is WED., SEPT. 6 at 10:30 a.m. in the High Plains Education Center and will discuss “Old Sterling.”

This topic will begin the year-long theme of “Crossroads” as the museum anticipates the Smithsonian exhibit with the same name arriving at the museum for a 6-week exhibition in August of 2024.

“Old Sterling”, as it was called, was first established about 4 miles north of present day Sterling in 1874. The town was named, established postal service, began a school and even had a cemetery before the decision was made to move the whole town. What brought these rugged pioneers here and what brought them to the “crossroads” decision to move the town?

Call the museum at 970-522-3895 to reserve your spot at History Café.

sterling mural

Overland Trail Museum, 100 Overland Trail, Sterling CO 80751

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