3 Reasons to Visit Logan County

pedal the plains

1.  Authenticity

Need to get away from the hustle and bustle? Get in a free-range state of mind in Logan County, where there are never any traffic jams or long lines. We can help you plan a weekend visit: click here!

2.  Untraveled Places

This agricultural area is the perfect place to wind down, whether you are on a road trip across the country or looking for a weekend getaway. Use this guide to plan your next trip: click here!

3.  Unique

Most visitors to Colorado already understand the state’s many highlights, from world-famous mountain towns to four national parks and renowned microbreweries. But what if a traveler desires something a little off the well-trodden path, say, an eastern-plains road trip? Start here to get inspired: click here!

3 Reasons to Visit Logan County This Week

cheers to beer drinkers1.  Welcome Back!

Whether you are an alum or not, Hoops Homecoming is a fun time to celebrate friends and community! The Northeastern Junior College Alumni Association will be holding the 25th annual Hoops Homecoming on Saturday, February 2. Card-carrying members of the NJC Alumni Association will be admitted free to games. Others pay $6 per adult or $5 per senior citizen and non-NJC students at the door. During halftime of the men’s game, the NJC Alumni Association will be recognizing the following award winners: Steve Antonopulos, Elaine Daly, Ken Kreutzer, Pete Youngers, Ellis Schmidt, Jim and Vicki Smith and Ronda Monheiser.

2.  Cheers to Beers

Join the 'Colorado Experience' Road Show for a free screening of the episode, "Cheers to Beers” at the Fox 5 Theatre in Sterling on Tuesday, February 5, from 6-7 pm (doors open at 5:30 pm.)

'Colorado Experience' is an original production of Rocky Mountain PBS that airs Thursdays at 7:30 pm.

Episode Description: Quench your curiosity and learn how thirsty miners started a liquid gold rush that began Colorado's journey to become the "Beer State.”

3.  Nom Nom Nom

Our culinary culture in Logan County includes down home favorites at the local diners and exquisite cuisine in upscale restaurants. A gigantic scoop of hard ice cream is a favorite at the charming Simkins Parlour and the Spurz Grill chef, Ben Haines, was named the winner of the Hell's Kitchen "Best Steak in America" contest. What are YOU hungry for? Find what you’re looking for here.

3 Reasons to Visit Logan County This Weekend

nsr bridge 2012 21.  Take a Hike!

Do you only think of North Sterling State Park during the summer? You should take a second look at all there is to do in the winter! There is winter camping in Elks Campground, open year round north of the dam. Hunting takes place south of the dam. Why not hike along any part of our six mile trail system? Photography, stargazing, wildlife observation and birding are great fun. Browse in the Visitor Center north of dam. Depending on conditions, ice fishing may also be available at your own risk, use caution. Park Passes are required year round.

2.  Tour de Beers

Hey Hey Hey!!! Introducing Parts & Labor Brewing Company's Tour de Beers. Stop by and pick up your passports. Get them stamped for each beer you buy. If you get all the beers in 2019, you get your name and picture on their wall of fame, plus a custom glass with a free pint on them. It’s a fun way to try a bunch of really great beer you might not normally try, plus some bragging rights with your mug on their wall. This includes their one-offs like pistachio beer on St. Paddy’s, the Pilot Series, and special events beers.

3.  Winner, Winner, Italian Dinner

Pop downtown and experience Sam & Louie’s Italian Pizzeria in a welcoming, fun, relaxing atmosphere. Try the Cavatappi with Marinara, Chicken & Sausage Tortellini or Hot Naked Spaghetti and Shrimp Cobb Salad. Various seating options allow for visiting in the main dining area, celebrating with family or meeting with business associates in the Liberty Event Room, or connecting with friends over a drink while admiring the 1890’s Brunswick antique bar.

3 Reasons to Visit Logan County This Week

paddle boards at sterling rec center

1.  Sterling Recreation Center

Are you working on your New Year’s Resolutions? If your goal is to become more active, check out all the opportunities at the Sterling Recreation Center. Along with the indoor pool, that includes a baby pool and a diving well, there is a state of the art fitness center; courts for wallyball, racquetball and basketball; a youth room and a multi-purpose room. Click here for hours, fees and more information.

2.  High Plains Spice Company

If now’s the time to change your diet, there is absolutely no reason to eat boring food! Your menu might include lean chicken and some unappealing vegetables but you can turn your meal from dull to delicious with the help of the High Plains Spice Company in downtown Sterling. Located right across from the historical Logan County Courthouse, High Plains Spice Company is a place where people can go to enhance their daily lives and expand their culinary horizons. See more about their extensive lines here.

3.  Hot Java

We’ve got your “get up and go” right here! Enjoy all the espresso items at Hot Java but don’t forget the wide variety of yumminess from the bakery, plus breakfast and lunch sandwiches. Keep on track with your goals by trying the sugar free syrups, almond and coconut milk, and gluten-free English muffins. Find out more here.

3 Reasons to Visit Logan County This Week

Happy Holidays!

courthouse lights

1.  Twinkle Tour

Fill your thermos with some hot chocolate and hop into your vehicle for a lovely tour of the beautiful lights and displays around Logan County. Here you’ll find an online interactive map and photo gallery.

2.  Joy to the World

Celebrate Christmas with a traditional candlelight service at the church of your choice:

·         Christ United Methodist Church, 104 S. 4th St., Sterling – Christmas Eve Service of Carols and Candlelight – 7 pm.

·         First Christian Church, 12915 CR 3, Sterling – Christmas Eve Service – 6 pm.

·         Prince of Peace Episcopal Church, corner of Phelps Street and S 2nd Ave., Sterling – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – 3:30 pm; soup supper follows the service.

·         Berean Church, 12527 CR 37, Sterling – Christmas Eve Service – 5:30 pm.

·         Peace Lutheran Church, 1404 S. 9th Ave., Sterling – Candlelight Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols with Holy Communion – 5:30 pm.

·         First English Lutheran Church, 701 Fairhurst St., Sterling – Christmas Eve Worship Service – 6 pm.

·         First Presbyterian Church, 130 S. 4th St., Sterling – Christmas Eve Traditional Candlelight Communion Service – 4:30 pm.

·         First Baptist Church, S. 8th Avenue and Columbine St., Sterling – Christmas Eve Service with Special Music and Candlelight – 5:30 pm.

·         Trinity Lutheran Church, 732 Clark St., Sterling – Christmas Eve Worship Service with Communion and Special Music – 6 pm.

3.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from “Explore Sterling and Logan County!”

3 Reasons to Visit Logan County This Week

Celebrating the season in Sterling!

parade of trees 2018

1.  Clarence’s Corner

Enjoy a nostalgic treat at Clarence’s Corner while visiting or shopping in downtown Sterling. Located at the Logan County Courthouse Square, this community landmark will be open for special occasions during December including Thursday, Dec. 20 from 5-8 pm. Clarence Mentgen faithfully popped popcorn here six days a week and earned his living for more than 38 years. The friendly “popcorn man” is no longer living, but he is forever memorialized with a bronze sculpture next to the replicated “Clarence’s Corner” popcorn stand. Learn more about the history here.

2.  Overland Trail Museum

Christmas on the Prairie at the Overland Trail Museum is the perfect event to truly put you into the holiday spirit! Step back in time as your stroll through the beautifully decorated museum and village buildings, stop by the roaring fire and enjoy a roasted chestnut, step into the High Plains Education Center to warm up with a cup of hot cider and a cookie, visit with neighbors and friends and listen to the music of the season. Open house dates are Tuesday, Dec. 18 and Thursday, Dec. 20, 5-7 pm. Be entertained by local musicians: Braedon and Peyton Kloberdanz on Dec. 18 and the Brompton family on Dec. 20; Santa will be the special guest on Dec. 18 to give rides in his decked out fire truck! Click here for more details.

3.  Parade of Trees

Sterling Public Library is filled with Christmas trees of all shapes and sizes for the 2018 Parade of Trees. There are approximately 110 trees decorated in a variety of themes by local individuals, businesses, organizations and groups. The library will offer a chance to enjoy all of the illuminated trees with the building lights off at the annual open house scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 20 from 5-8 pm. Also enjoy the live music and refreshments! View photos of some of the displays here.

While you're out and about, don't forget to stop and refuel! Find where you can feed your hungry here.

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